CS 61A


Slides (Fall 2016)

Guides (Summer 2016)

Slides (Summer 2016)


  • Whenever you work through a practice exam (or practice questions in general), resist the urge to look at solutions when you get stuck. Give it your best attempt first!
  • When in doubt (especially on a WWPD question), draw an environment diagram.
  • python3 -i <file> opens a session in python, with the code in <file> loaded.


Fall 2016

Section 108, 12:30-2:00 p.m.

Tuesday Lab @ 273 Soda • Thursday Discussion @ 289 Cory

Office Hour @ 237 Cory on Thursdays 6:30-7:30 p.m. • Wanna Talk?

Summer 2016

Section 109, 9:30-11:00 a.m.

T, Th (Lab @ 271 Soda) • W, F (Discussion @ 310 Soda)

